We are VanRuby, the Vancouver Ruby & Rails meetup group. Since 2007, we hack on open source / personal projects, and organize talks to learn from each other. All skill levels are welcome!

Join our community

87 Meetups and counting...

We get together once a month to talk about awesome things happening in the Ruby community. Join our meetup group.

Submit a Talk!

Want to talk at an upcoming VanRuby? Check out our Talks repo and submit a proposal. We welcome all backgrounds and levels of experience.

Cool People

If you love Ruby or hacking on things, you're in good company! Vancouver has a friendly, bustling Ruby and open source community.


Mastodon: we are [email protected]. Please hashtag #VanRuby when talking about anything VanRuby related - especially at our events.

Slack: We hang out in #ruby on the Vancouver Developers slack community. The invite page is down so ask someone at the meetup for an invite.

Next meetup

Sign up at our Vancouver Ruby Meetup page …

We run a meetup every once in a while, with a speaker presentation or lightning talks from people in the community.

Join up to stay in the loop!